Thursday, 28 January 2010

PPRD Tutorial

Had a tutorial this morning to help with the development of my blog, competition and live brief. I now have a better understanding on where I need to improve my work and have a better sense of direction. I've learnt that I need to be more reflective with my blog posts and explain what I've learnt from the sessions.
Myself and Ben are going to the library to pick up a couple of books on the History of British musics so we can kick start the YCN brief. We're thinking of researching into the origins of British musicians and somehow working this into are work.

PPRD - Storyboards

I took on a Live brief a few weeks ago which I have been asked to draw up storyboards for a script. The script is for a green screen project called Bleeding Heart Boy. I've completed the script and I am currently working on a second script. I've also designed a logo for the project.

Screen Printing

Here are a couple of the prints from the screen printing session. I screen printed the Poker Panda!
Here is the link to my website;

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Screen Printing

Today I screen printed for the very first time. To begin with I found it difficult to spread the ink evenly and then distribute it well enough to get the best print. After a couple of prints I started to get the hang of it and really enjoyed the session. Though I'm not convinced I'm a natural at screen printing, but overall I am really pleased with the prints for the Animal Farm fundraiser.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Final Website

This is just the Home page of my final website design which I'm really pleased with!

Website Design

This is the original Home page I was going to use originally until I problems with the repeat background.


Over the last 5 or 6 weeks I've been putting together my Online Portfolio which for me has been a struggle. I built the site mainly in Flash with Action Script 2.0 which was pretty good going considering other people on the course built theirs entirely on Dreamweaver and it sounded incredibly painful! On the whole I enjoyed the freedom of designing your own site and thinking how to reflect your personality and style but as for the construction of the site.... well that's another thing. It seemed pretty plain sailing until I encountered numerous problems with the Action script. Then when I thought I was near to taking it into Dreamweaver the Flash file had magically deleted itself, leading me to re-build the whole thing! Thankfully it wasn't too stressful to put back together again. The background of my site had a grid which I wanted to repeat throughout the browser on Dreamweaver which caused problems when lining up around Flash site. So I decided to alter the site slightly and create a new background that would fit with the background in all browsers. I have decided to buy my own domain name which should have my site up and running in the near future.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

It's been a while...

I've not been blogging in a while so I thought I would re-initiate my motivation after the xmas period by starting here. So I've been building my online portfolio as part of my uni work throughout the last few weeks. I put together several different versions using both Flash and Dreamweaver. I think I will develop my Flash website and put in some animation too. Then once I'm happy with it I will brace myself for the stress of importing it to Dreamweaver and finding the site doesn't work in all browsers...