My latest project is based around re-branding a food product from a list. I have chosen to re-brand Mushy Peas. I've developed several ideas but I need to select one and push it forward. The idea that I feel has the most scope is to make a Mushy Pea flavoured crisp that would be accompanied by a mint sauce or some other kind of sauce. I envisage the crisp to maybe be part of Pringles and contain a small section that would be within the Pringle tube and could be detached from the main part of the product. I'm unsure whether a flavoured crisp is too far fetched and not sticking to the basis of the brief.
After the tutorial thoughts were raised as how to push the idea forward, it was suggested to design a Fish shaped fritter/ crisp that could be dipped into a potato sauce and a separate fish sauce. The idea being to flip around the traditional concept of Fish and Chips with Mushy peas and making the Mushy Peas the key part thus creating a playful and fun snack/ meal. I think the idea could work but I'm worried that it's too much of a novelty and it might be a product that wouldn't sell.
I prefer the idea of building upon what Walkers have done with some of their crisps with which they have combined random flavours together to form a new crisp, such as: Chili and Chocolate but push it even further and find something even more obscure that could combine with Mushy Peas.
I still feel that I'm behind with this work and need to settle on one of my ideas and just push it otherwise I risk my final outcome not reaching its full potential.